Tuesday, December 21, 2010

decorations cheats and tips

decorations cheats and tips to help you get more income from the properties you build.

There are many different decorations in the game, and they each have their own impacts and attributes. Each decoration takes up a certain number of spaces and provides a certain percentage boost to the buildings within its influence range. When you place the decoration, you can see the impact it will have (where and how much) as indicated by the blue lines and text that appear. Each decoration can impact more than one building, so a common technique is to leave spaces between buildings so that you can place decorations in-between them. They’ll have a positive impact on all the adjacent businesses and houses.

CityVille Decorations bonus

You can get a bonus for your buildings by surrounding them with decorations.

The key to grasping the power of decorations is to understand how energy works in CityVille. Each task you perform in CityVille normally takes away an energy point. As your city gets bigger and there are more things to watch over, careful energy management becomes crucial. In fact, we put together a whole separate guide on energy cheats, but for now all you have to think about is how to minimize your use of energy while collecting as many coins as possible.

Remember that each time you collect money from a business, it will cost you 1 energy. So operating 10 separate businesses will cost you 10 energy points to collect. This is a key principle! By using decorations to increase the output of your businesses by 100% or more, you’ll get more coins per energy point used than if you had to collect from two different businesses.

Now here’s the sneaky part. Once you’ve built up a “sweet spot” for a building surrounded by decorations, you can swap your buildings in and out of that spot before you collect from them. You have to do this one at a time, and it can be a little cumbersome, but you’ll get the bonus on collection for each business you swap. Using this technique will earn you a huge profit of coins for minimal energy consumption without having to buy lots of decorations.

Related posts:

  1. CityVille Energy Cheats
  2. CityVille Beginner’s Guide
  3. Vegas City Beginner Tips and Cheats
  4. Ravenwood Fair Coin Cheats and Tips
  5. Millionaire City Cheats and Beginner’s Guide

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Found New cheat

Tools (List of softwares can be downloaded here)

  1. Charles Web Proxy Debugging Installer + Crack – http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8CGONI6L
  2. Firefox 3.5.5 (Windows) – http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GXGCS8D8


  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter CityVille
  3. Play the game until you have at least 1 business building. The cheapest is the bakery, so purchase that.
  4. Wait for 10 people to visit the bakery and you will notice a Green Money Bag at the top of the building.
  5. Go to Charles first and find the line “http://fb-client-0.cityville.zynga.com
    1. Expand it and you will see ‘flashservices/
    2. Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService…)
    3. Right click any of the gateway.php and select “Breakpoints”
    4. Now, click on the green money bag in CityVille.
    5. A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
    6. Click on EDIT REQUEST > AMF
    7. Expand everything till you see something like the image below.
    8. Change the value 10 to 10000 (dont make it too high or you may get an error)
    9. Click Execute
    10. Click Execute again
    11. Now, remove the Breakpoint from the gateway.php
    12. Refresh the game, you should see your new coins.

Best cityville guide review

Hi all, it’s me your lovely neighbour in cityville again. Here is a review I wrote about The Best Cityville Guide, I thought it would be better if i also share it on my blog :

Cityville is the newest addition to Facebook’s Zynga games. As a fan you have probably already started playing it, but do you have a massive city already? Probably it is not. James Green has written a great guide on playing Cityville. His Cityville guide is based on personal experience and he is very successful and has huge cities.

The goal in Cityville just like in other Zynga games like Farmville, Yoville and Frontierville is to grow and become rich and famous, to have the coolest city and the most friends. This guide has Cityville tips and instructions on how to become a tycoon in no time. There are no monthly fees, for just a small onetime fee you get instant access to all Cityville secrets with constant lifetime updates. The author is learning new strategies every day by playing under several accounts building new cities. You will get all this information first hand.

Before releasing this guide, beta testing was carried out among a few players and they were given access to Cityville secrets. They were all satisfied with the information and gained high levels of play quickly; it was just a matter of days. Purchasing access to this guide and the Cityville cheats is also guaranteed by the author for 60 days. If in that time you are not happy with the product and it doesn’t help with your new Cityville account, you can get a full refund.

You can definitely enjoy this game better on higher levels. This guide will show you all the tricks it takes to reach your goals. Here is a list of what you get:

  • Cityville tips on completing goals, when to do it and in what order to get the best results.
  • What are the different possible city layouts and how to place other structures?
  • Instructions for getting a lot of coins and cash in a short amount of time without the need to fill out any forms.
  • Help on keeping your citizens 100% happy.
  • Cityville cheats and tricks on how to get gifts from strangers.
  • All available information on community buildings – how and when to build them.
  • How to get energy from visiting friends, gift giving and collections as well as using batteries.
  • Tricks on shipping and farming to have plenty of food and products for your city while not overdoing it.
  • Of course you also get all Cityville cheats and hacks that can help you grow your city faster.

With this Cityville guide you get a huge head start on other players. Your friends will want to know your secrets and even suspect you of hacking the game as your gaming levels will build so fast. Just remember not to reveal any Cityville secrets to non members.

The small investment involved in getting access to this Cityville guide will really pay off as you will earn huge amount of coins and cash when you follow these Cityville tips. Because of the 60 day guarantee there is no risk involved and you will get your money back in case you are not satisfied.

Just click here to download Best Cityville Guide